Center pieces, Mad Hatter Sign Base, and odds and ends!

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Finished making part of our center pieces! I’m now in charge of making a few card guards in the act of painting the roses red per table! I’m going to glue playing cards on the front and back of a piece of 1/4 inch plywood and cut out the heads, arms and feet for each card guard out of wood as well! I want to make the tiny fellas stand up on their own, but we will see!

I finally got around to making a post for my Mad Hatter sign that I have YET to paint the remainder of! I walked around Home Depot for twenty minutes looking for a post or some thing that I could use for the base, but I didn’t find anything I was willing to shell out any money for, so I went home with the idea that I would make the post out of plywood strips and have it be hollow.  My Grandpa came up with a better idea and came to the rescue in the form of two beat up looking 2X6’s! We glued them together and ran the post thru a plainer and it worked wonders! I’ve only seen this sign twice in real life, but I fail remember what the bottom of the post looks like… I consulted my refrence picture from Dave Land Web (awesome site with a ton of pictures for refrence, but there weren’t any of this item in the angle I needed… oh well) I’m sure it is just cemented in place, but I thought it would look neat if the Mad Hatters shoes were at the bottom, so that is the route I went!    

Dinah my dog was also starting to become very fond of chewing on the corners of this project, so now that it is all painted, I hope to have it glued and hanging on the bathroom wall by the next month.. haha!

I posted last week that I also fixed my Broom Stick dog and here is the new video! The motion is a lot more fluid and doesn’t bind at all. 
