The Slaughtered Lamb

Categories: Uncategorized
Here is a project I have been wanting to make for some time. It is for the coolest guy I know as a thanks for introducing me to the things I enjoy most. From Star Wars to the Night of the Living dead and everything in between, I was lucky enough to have someone passionate about film, music and art introduce me to a lot of stuff I had been previously sheltered from. From my first copy of the Star Wars Trilogy (on a VHS tape), seeing George Lucas interviewed in person, meeting Ralph Mc Quarrie in PERSON (awesome), first viewing of Night of the Living Dead, and a slew of other Horror movies that I love, John Scoleri was there sharing his passion for film with me and boy did it rub off! 
Mr. Scoleri appropriately runs a theater out of his house called the Slaughtered Lamb Cinema. The name is taken from a Pub from An American Werewolf in London, and I thought it would make a neat project and a one of a kind gift for someone that would appreciate one of my hobbies πŸ™‚ The box resembles an antique silverware container that housed a silver serving set, but the “cool” goodies are hidden underneath the false bottom. On the inside it contains a werewolf killing kit of sorts. A gun, a silver bullet mold, bullets, and some vials to hold liquid mercury or silver.
  • Thanks, HalloweeNut! I brought it over when he had his Pirate marathon and he loved it!

    Thanks Dave! Sadly, I don’t have finished pictures because I doctored up the bottles using some sand paper and added some tags all using some of your methods πŸ™‚