Barrel Pirate!

Categories: Pirate

The last major prop of the year is almost done! The last bucky I have is now affixed to a barrel I scored at OSH! The costume is still being shipped (hoping it gets here SOON) and I still need to attach some metal rod to an arm to holdup a bottle! I think I’m going to paint a plastic soda container and plumb the water pump into that and have it splash down his exposed ribs back into the barrel! This will be accompanied by a Pirate’s Life for Me playing in the background, but it’s the drinking pirate, so instead of singing or humming the song he is chugging the pirates theme.. 🙂

I also started on some of my filler props.. I bought some burlap sacks and while I wish the stencil I made was a little bigger, I am happy with the results. First time making a stencil and what a time saver!!

All three of them proudly on display in my living room while I hash out last minute details! 🙂 Need to weather proof everything, enclose the Scary Terry servo boards in something water proof and get ready to set everything up outside! Didn’t get as much as I wanted done this year, but that’s what next year is for! Next to Halloween my favorite day is November 1st because I have an ENTIRE year to plan and build for the following year! Time sure does find a way of slipping away! 
Made some smaller sacks too! Depending on how many trick or treaters we get I *may* use them to hand out bags of candy, but for now I am using them as filler props. I bought a large amount of fake coins, so I’m going to fill the sacks up with newspaper and maybe glue the coins to make it look like they are spilling out the side! I have 50 smaller sacks in total. Twenty or so completed as of now.
  • I may 🙂 I bought so many of them, but I also don’t want to run out, so I may have a couple for people with exceptionally well costumes, or Pirate attire! 🙂

    The day is coming way too quick!