Captain Jack is back! :)

Categories: Uncategorized

Had some friends over for dinner last night and it was my job to get my Pirates in working order for a proper introduction because the first time they had seen it I wasn’t home to get them all in working order. I don’t think I ever posted a video of the finished product, so luckily I remembered to get a small clip with my camera!

The fog machine was nixed before they actually arrived, but that’s ok! Probably not a good idea to run a fog machine in the house, haha! 
After seeing what kind of motion you can achieve from electric motors that Fright Props sells, I can’t wait to make some more pirates! I always see the Cauldron Creeps or Witches stirring a cauldron, but I think it would be fantastic to have a skeleton pirate stirring a mop bucket and having a skeleton pirate down on his knees scrubbing the deck with a brush using a back and forth motion! 
  • Awesome … I’ve never done any motorized stuff until this year, and I’m keeping it simple with just a rocking chair. But you seem to have it all down-pat. Nice job.

    • Thanks! The Captain Jack was my first motorized prop! helps a bit being able to see how other people did it! The wiper motor was inexpensive enough and has worked for over two years now, or close to! I’m still an amateur when it comes to animatronics, but your imagination is the limit! I’m always impressed with everything I see people make!

      Captain Jack was just a wiper motor and scary terry skull at first, but the wheel going in a circular motion over and over was too distracting to me, so the picovolt lets you record a sequence and it also allows the wheel to go in reverse to break up the monotony! Money well spent!